Monday, January 18, 2010

Men & Suits

There are some items of clothing that are timeless and every man should own. Some might say that these include a pair of jeans, a denim jacket and some quality shoes. I would argue that they should certainly include a decent suit. In fact, a suit should probably be one of your main priorities.

If you don't need to wear a suit to work then you may wonder whether there's any point in owning one. After all, will it ever get much use? The reality, of course, is that there are often many more occasions when it is useful to own a suit than you might imagine.

What might these occasions include? Well, just for starters, you could probably include job interviews, weddings, funerals and many other church events. How about if you ever want to change careers too?

So there are plenty of times when it will prove useful to own a suit. As you get older, you'll probably find that there are more and more occasions when it would be suitable to wear one. If you don't own one then you may end up feeling uncomfortable if you find yourself in a situation where you're the only person in casual clothing.

The other option would be to hire a suit on the particular days when you need one. Is this a particular good course of action? In some circumstances it could be. Many people hire a morning suit for their wedding days, for example. But that's largely because that's a type of suit that they're only expecting to wear once.

For most suits, hiring is not a great option. The problem is that it's expensive. In fact, the cost of hire for one day is often roughly equivalent to what you'd pay for an entire suit. So, in purely economic terms, it makes sense for you to buy your own suit.

In terms of where you should buy from, there are a few options for you. You might choose to visit a high street store, although there are also some great discount deals available online.

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